Threshold wants writing that is thought provoking. Essay, fiction, editorial, all genera. Review the writing presented in Threshold to gain an insight to the type of articles we would like to receive. Threshold is looking for adult themes on issues as old as time and as contemporary as todays' news.
The way NOT to get published is if your submission contains any of the following:
A. Any suggestion of applying physical injury against any individual or group.
B. While bigotry, racism, hatred, sex, and other sensitive subjects may be elements of a story line in fiction or subjects of nonfiction articles, no blatant expressions of these subjects will be published. Articles must portray a literary style.
C. You may not conduct, instruct, or promote illegal activities as a Threshold contributor in your article or through your web link.
D. No gratuitous profanity or obscenity.
1. The author takes full responsibility for their article and website link.
2. The author takes full responsibility for their article and web site link, that their submitted material does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party.
3. Threshold is not responsible for the opinions and views of the contributing authors, nor do the opinions and views expressed by the contributing authors necessarily reflect those of Threshold.
4. This agreement constitutes a contract between the author and Threshold and that any breach in the agreement the author agrees to indemnify Threshold from any claim, loss, damage, and expenses, brought against the authors work to be found infringing or illegal.
6. If litigation is brought against Threshold it shall take place in the county and state in which Threshold resides.
7. Threshold is not responsible for interruption of service but will work to restore service as a number one priority.
8. Unless otherwise stated in the correspondence Threshold considers all mail and E-mail or snail mail addressed to Threshold as permission to publish.
9. Threshold is published on free sites and is not responsible for third party claims to the authors work.
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